Update Plugins

We will be updating the plugins required by the theme periodically with additional features, enhancements and bug fixes. So it is very essential that that you know how to update all the Plugins to stay current. Some of the plugins included in the theme can be updated automatically, while few others need to be updated manually. Read further to know how to update the plugins.

Update using One Click Updater : #

We have enabled Automatic Update Notifications and One Click update feature for the following plugins – BE Portfolio Post, Oshine Core, Oshine Modules and Tatsu. This feature, will notify you about the available updates to the plugin  beneath the plugin name in the Plugins Page. You can subsequently, click on the Update Now link to Update the Plugin.

Update Manually : #

The other plugins that are included in the theme – Masterslider, Slider Revolution, Metabox Plugins need to be updated Manually.


Step 1 – The latest version of the plugin will be placed in the theme package in the folder named Plugins.
Step 2 – Unzip the respective plguin’s folder (Ex. masterslider.zip).
Step 3 – Connect to your server via FTP and navigate to /WP-CONTENT/PLUGINS folder of your wordpress installation, replace the existing plugin folder with the folder that you just unzipped (ex. masterslider)
Step 4 – Repeat the Steps for all the plugins.


If you are unable to follow the FTP method/One Click Update, follow the alternate method below.

Step 1 – Install and activate the plugin Easy Theme and Plugin Updates from here – https://wordpress.org/plugins/easy-theme-and-plugin-upgrades/
Step 2 – Proceed to install the new update by navigating to – PLUGNIS -> ADD NEW -> PLUGINNAME.ZIP (ex. masterslider.zip). The latest version of the plugin will be placed in the theme package in the folder named Plugins.