Change PORTFOLIO DETAILS MODULE label ( ’CLIENT’, ‘PROJECT DATE’, ’CATEGORY’ ) using loco translate

Follow the steps to change the portfolio details module label using the loco translate plugin:

Step 1: Goto Loco Translate > Plugins > Oshine Modules

Step 2: Hit “New Language” and select your existing WordPress language

Step 3: In Language Location, choose “language/loco/plugins/oshine-module-en_US.po

Step 4: Hit “Start Translating”

Step 5: Once the translation starts, Hit “Sync” and search the Source Text you wish to change

Step 6: Enter the text to be displayed in the Translation text for ’CLIENT’, ‘PROJECT DATE’ or ’CATEGORY’ and hit the “Save” button

Step 7: Goto the front end and refresh the page to view your changes.

Watch the video to understand better: