Portfolio Overview

What is a Portfolio #

Portfolio is a custom post type we have created to help you organise and present your projects. A custom post type is nothing but a collection of items, each having its own individual page. It is similar to blog posts, except that it helps you isolate and group a collection of similar items and characterise them with specific parameters. A custom post type can be anything like Projects, Case Studies, Books, Movies, Events, Recipes etc, anything that can be grouped together. You can choose to use Portfolio custom post type for presenting your work ( which is what we have primarily intended it for ) or for anything else left to your imagination.

Portfolio in OSHINE #

What we provide you with Oshine is an ability to create a GRID of individual Portfolio Items, where a Thumbnail Image, Title & Category of each item can be displayed. Each item when clicked can be navigated to either a SINGLE PORTFOLIO PAGE or to an EXTERNAL URL or just simply open the full sized thumbnail image / video ( featured image ) in a lightbox. By assigning categories and tags to individual portfolio Items, you can group them together. Grouping them will help you enable Sorting ( Filters ) or even create Individual Category Grids.

Apart from Portfolio Grids, we provide a couple of alternative ways to showcase your collection, namely the Dual Carousel Portfolio ( v10 demo ) and the Horizontal Carousel Portfolio. These are useful only when you have a limited number of portfolio items.

In general below is a list of all elements / settings / terminologies with screenshot previews, to give you a better understanding as to what is what of Portfolios .


There are 4 dimensions in which you can have a Portfolio Item in the Grid. These are not applicable if you are having a Dual Carousel Portfolio or Horizontal Carousel Portfolio.

  1. Normal Thumbnail
  2. Double Width
  3. Double Height
  4. Double Width & Double Height
THE PORTFOLIO GRID – Click here for preview #

A collection of individual items


Click on the items, to know how to create each one of them.

  1. Horizontal Carousel Slider
  2. Centered Slider
  3. Full Screen Slider
  4. Vertical Screen Slider
  5. Ribbon Carousel Slider
  6. Center Slide Carousel Slider
  7. Lightbox
  8. Lightbox Gallery
  9. Right Floating Sidebar
  10. Left Floating Sidebar
  11. Right Fixed Sidebar
  12. Left Fixed Sidebar
  13. Single Portfolio Page Builder