How do I edit the labels ( ’Client’, ‘Project Date’, ’Category’ ) of the Portfolio Details module ?

Upload the File named ‘’ that is present in the Buyer’s Package.
2. Activate the Oshin Child Theme
3. Log into your server using FTP, and open the oshin_child folder under wp-content/themes
4. Edit the functions.php file (in case the file is not present in the folder, kindly add a new file and name it functions.php) to add the following lines of code at the very bottom of the file, after any existing code –

add_filter( 'gettext', 'be_themes_change_portfolio_details_labels', 20, 3 ); 
function be_themes_change_portfolio_details_labels( $translated_text, $text, $domain ) {     
	if ( is_singular('portfolio') ) {         
		switch ( $translated_text ) {             
			case 'Client' :                 
			$translated_text = __( 'Client', 'oshine-modules' ); //Enter the Replacement text for Client here                 
			case 'Project Date' :                 
			$translated_text = __( 'Project Date', 'oshine-modules' ); //Enter the Replacement text for Project Date here                 
			case 'Category' :                 
			$translated_text = __( 'Category', 'oshine-modules' ); //Enter the Replacement text for Category here                 
	return $translated_text; 

5. Save and Upload the File


Try with the Loco translate plugin