Hero Section Overview

Hero Section is an Introductory Section of Content that can be placed immediately before or after the Header. Just consider it as a Bold Title Area where you can make a statement about the contents of the page or a welcome statement if its your home page. A lot of pages in our demos, use the hero section for presenting the page title. 

The hero section can be full screen or of fixed height and can have a background image /  video  or a Slider asssigned to it. You can also make the Header Transparent or Semi Transparent in individual pages and place it over the header section. Each Page / Portfolio item in the Backend has a meta page settings panel named the OSHINE – Header Hero Section Options where you can find the various options related to it. See previews of different types of Hero Section and its various elements.

  1. Hero Section Slider – Click here for preview
  2. Hero Section Background Image – Click here for preview
  3. Hero Section Background Video – Click here for preview
  4. Transparent Header – Click here for preview
  5. Semi-Transparent Header – Click here for preview
  6. Hero Section Content – Click here for preview