To add a Custom Font using the method given here, you should have the Oshine Child theme installed and activated. Upload the from the Buyers Package that you downloaded in the WordPress Dashboard and Activate the Child Theme.
1. Download the Custom Font files in all the required formats. Create a Folder named ‘custom-fonts’ in the Child Theme and place the font files in this folder.
2. Generate the Fonts CSS file and name it ‘fonts.css’. Place this file in a folder named ‘fonts’ within the root folder in the Child theme. Ensure the font sources are pointed to files with the custom-fonts folder –
Ex –
@font-face { font-family: 'Font Family'; src: url('../custom-fonts/font-name.eot'); src: url('../custom-fonts/font-name.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'), url('../custom-fonts/font-name.woff') format('woff'), url('../custom-fonts/font-name.ttf') format('truetype'), url('../custom-fonts/font-name.svg#webfont') format('svg'); }
3. Add the following functions in ‘functions.php’ file in the Child Theme
<?php //FUNCTIONS TO ENQUEUE FONT FILES if (!function_exists('be_themes_child_theme_setup') ){ function be_themes_child_theme_setup() { wp_register_style( 'redux-external-fonts-addl', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/fonts/fonts.css' ); wp_enqueue_style( 'redux-external-fonts-addl' ); } add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'be_themes_child_theme_setup' ); } //FUNCTION TO ADD CUSTOM FONTS TO TYPOGRAPHY FILEDS IN THE OPTIONS PANEL if (!function_exists('be_themes_add_custom_fonts')){ function be_themes_add_custom_fonts($custom_fonts){ //REPLACE THE ARRAY WITH THE CUSTOM FONTS THAT YOU ADD $addl_fonts = array( "Font Name Bold" => "Font Name Bold", "Font Name Regular" => "Font Name Regular" ); return array_merge($custom_fonts, $addl_fonts); } add_filter('be_themes_custom_font_filter' , 'be_themes_add_custom_fonts'); } ?>